You can STILL vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Nicole Shanahan in Hawai’i

It’s only been 5 days since we got the explosive news that our candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suspended (not ended) his campaign and is now endorsing President Trump.  The news continues to send shockwaves across America and stir up a range of emotions in the Hawai’i for Kennedy community and beyond.  But here is the good news…

You can STILL vote for RFK Jr. 

In January and February of this year, thousands of registered voters in Hawai’i signed a petition to establish We the People, an independent political party that “supports the protection of rights and freedoms secured by the Constitution of the United States for all citizens against any violation, be it by other people, other nations, or our own government.”   

On April 30th, 2024, We the People of Hawai’i nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole A. Shanahan as the party’s Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. 

Contrary to what you may see reported, Kennedy and Shanahan will be on the ballot in 40 states across the country.  They have only withdrawn from the battleground states where, by staying on the ballot, they could potentially become a spoiler for President Trump.  

To understand why RFK Jr. made this very difficult decision, listen to the entire speech he made in Arizona last Friday.

This "Unity Party" that RFK Jr. has created with Donald Trump and now Tulsi Gabbard, is a political strategy that dates back to the Civil War Era when Lincoln and Johnson ran “for the country” instead of against each other as a “Team of Rivals,” intending to rescue the Union.

It’s important to know that, because you and millions of other Americans can still vote for RFK Jr., he has the potential to earn more than 5% of the national vote whereby he can establish a solid third party and unlock publicly available funds in the realms of eight figures… something that will lay the foundation for a strong Independent contender in 2028.  Furthermore, RFK Jr.’s status as a presidential candidate could come into serious play should there be a contingent election where no candidate receives 270 electoral votes.  For greater insight on all this, read To Rescue the Union written by Lauren Lee.  

What does all this mean for Hawai’i? 

#1. It means that YOUR VOTE MATTERS now more than ever. 

It means that we finally have an opportunity to shift from being a one-party state where corruption rules the day and candidates running for state office hardly have a chance to get elected much less make change in Hawai’i.

It means that we finally have the opportunity to get out from under the corporate stranglehold that feeds the military industrial complex, silences Native Hawaiian voices, fuels the chronic diseases killing our keiki and kupuna, makes us dependent on ships to deliver our basic needs, and keeps food sovereignty as a distant dream.

Now is the time to wake up, rise up, seize the moment, and vote different.  Our best hope for change is to ride the wave of independence and vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Hawai’i.

Are you curious as to exactly how RFK Jr. can still win?

Are struggling with the intensity of this election and need some “campaign therapy?”

If so… read this.


Predicting the 2024 Election


FAQs about Voting in the Primary Election