Our Core Principles

We the People Hawaii is an independent political party that supports the protection of rights and freedoms secured by the Constitution of the United States for all citizens against any violation, be it by other people, other nations, or our own government. We oppose the initiation of force, threat of harm, coercion, or fraud as a means of achieving personal, political, or societal goals. We support the peaceful expression of ideas and actions in support of freedom. We the People Hawaii supports:

  • Honesty and transparency as the foundation of trust and accountability in governance

  • Halting corporate influence in politics and governance

  • A free and open marketplace of ideas critical to a healthy Republic, free from surveillance, censorship, and political repression

  • Environmental stewardship of our soil, air, and water, including organic, regenerative farming practices and the prevention of a “carbon credit” system.

  • Food sovereignty and the accessibility of safe food, healthy public spaces, and natural resources 

  • Medical freedom, bodily autonomy, parental rights, and solving our chronic disease epidemic 

  • American labor and manufacturing as the economic backbone of the nation

  • Restoring quality of life to the middle class and marginalized communities 

  • Policies targeting an increase in home ownership, especially for first time home buyers

  • Honoring the rights and cultural practices of Native Hawaiians and ensuring they have a voice in government 

  • Ending and preventing wars, redirecting excessive foreign military aid to domestic affairs

  • Securing our borders while ensuring safe, legal immigration

  • Taking care of veterans who have served and sacrificed for our nation

  • Prison reform and the implementation of healing rehabilitative farming programs as one solution to the houseless and drug addiction crisis

  • Promotion of peaceful dialogue between Americans of all political persuasions  

  • Equitable political participation including fair ballot access  

  • Dedication to securing the election of all duly nominated candidates who uphold these values as well as promoting fellowship and community for like-minded individuals.