Independent National Convention September 17-29, 2024

Did you know that more than 51% of Americans identify as Independent? It’s true! Americans are becoming increasingly more aware of the broken two-party system and tired of the division it creates. Independents are the fasting growing political party in the U.S., and many are coming together in Colorado for an epic event this September. The mission of the Independent National Convention (INC) is to help get Independents in office by mobilizing voters and providing the resources and platform needed to break through the two-party system.

There’s an impressive line up of speakers at the INC to include Dr. Zach Bush, founder of the Institute of Natural Law. Zach is well-known for his work in health and for being a beloved friend to farmers in Hawaii and throughout the world. One of the projects near and dear to his heart (and ours) is Farmer’s Footprint. Check out their amazing work.

Stay connected to We the People of Hawaii for more events related to the growing movement of Independents.

Together We Rise.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will not be on Hawaii’s ballot in 2024